Wednesday 2 March 2011


I chose this close up image of my friend for the front cover as she makes eye contact with the camera which would draw in the consumer if it was alongside many other magazines. I also like how the photo is fairly central, which provides a good layout to include information down the sides.
I like how the final appearance of my cover turned out because it has a coherent colour scheme which looks professional and minimalistic but also sophisticated and is appealing to the older generations from mid 20's onwards who are really into new music, the overall effect portrays the indie, pop genre of music that I want to advertise and base my magazine around. The cover needed to be really eye-catching and I feel I have achieved this because if this front cover was alongside others, the bold colour scheme and connection of eye contact brings in the audience's attention.
Finally I added the finishing touches of a barcode, price, issue number and byline.

1 comment:

  1. Nice use of just the two font colours, making for easy reading over cover photo. Positioning of text leaves centre uncluttered to fully allow the main subject to be seen.
    Use of varying text sizes also lead you to the main article.
