Tuesday 7 December 2010

Youth Charity Advertising Project

Our brief was to create a poster to advertise a youth charity. From research I found; Balloon Angels: I loved the colourful images which reflects the hope for children and their simple, yet positive and fun inspiration.
Barnardo's: Their adverts send a completely different message to balloon angels, unlike balloon angels, the images are darker and more depressing, creating the audience to feel guilty and then act.

NSPCC: Their advert conveys the same kind of guilt-tripping, sad emotion as barnardo's, yet by using a close-up picture it connects the child more with the audience. However, by excluding a setting we, as the audience, know nothing about this girl's situation but with a simple Iconic 'mute' symbol we assume that she's the keeper of many secrets.
My favourite style of advertising is Barnardo's because I think it makes the biggest impact on me, I feel guilty of the quality of life I live compared to these unfortunate children which makes me sympathize, and want to be part of making a difference. Llamau, a charity for homeless youth, delivering their services in South Wales. The word Llamau means steps, progression or threshold in old welsh.
These are images which I have taken from their website. I'd like to create my own advert in the style of the dark, morbid, bleak barnardo's in order to raise a larger awareness. My pictures: I took many photographs in the snow during lesson time when there was nobody around which portrayed the loneliness of being homeless at Christmas, a time when everyone forgets other's misfortune. These two images were my favourite from many. I chose my favourite picture then uploaded it onto the computer where I opened it in photoshop to make some artistic changes. Firstly I changed the filter of the image by going to filter - artisitic - posterize to get this rough and edgy effect on the image. Secondly, by using the same image (copying another layer and hiding the original one) I converted the colour scheme to black and white by clicking Image - Adjustments - Black & White. Then with each seperate layer visible, I hid the posterized image by clicking the eye shape next to the specific layer. I cut out the image of Aston in black and white by using the quick selection tool and then deleted the background by selecting the inverse and pressing the delete button on the keyboard. I then made the posterized image visible again making sure that it's layer was underneath the black and white layer. Finally, by research on posters I inputted the charity's logo, contact information and a slogan to give the audience an insight on the charity's aim.

Friday 26 November 2010

Camera Shots, Angles, Movement and Composition

The main camera shots: Establishing shot - This sets the scene, which includes all the main mis en scene to give the audience a first impression.
Close-up - Mainly capturing the face of a character, takes a close-up shot. >
Mid-shot - A shot of the mid-section of a body.
Long shot - A far away camera angle.
Wide shot - An even further away camera angle, generally showing the landscape.
Two shot - Capturing two people in the same frame.
Aerial shot - Can also be known as a bird's eye view shot, this shot is captured from the sky looking downwards. Famously used as the
Eastenders logo.
Point of view shot - A camera angle taken from the view of a character's eyes, giving the audience the opportunity to feel like that specific character.
Over the shoulder shot - Mainly used during conversations. > Camera Angles:
< style="font-family:arial;">
Canted angle - The camera is tilted/slanted.>
Camera Movements:
Pan - The camera is still but rotates horizontally.
Tilt - This is the same as pan except it tilts vertically. Tracking - The camera is mounted on a track which allows the camera to move forwards and back steadily, this is normally used during running scenes, or racing scenes. Crane - The camera moves up and down, parallell to the ground.
Steadicam - No bumps in
Hand-held - The opposite to steady cam, where all the motion is visible, generally used in scary films.
Zoom and reverse zoom -
The camera gets closer or further away from an object without moving the camera.
Camera Composition:
Framing - The shot that's composed, everything in a frame. Deep focus - Foreground and background are both in focus.
Shallow Focus - The background is blurred, this draws your attention directly onto the foreground action.
Focus Pull - There's a change in focus, when the foreground and background swap for one to be in focus and the other to be blurred.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Double Page Spread - Best Things About Sixthform

This double page spread will appear as the first article in my magazine, it tells students of year 11, (who are thinking of returning to do their a levels at sixthform,) what they can look forward too. But also when students of year 12 read the article, (who are already in sixthform,) they will be able to relate to the points raised, giving them the opportunity to aggree or disagree, therefore getting involved.
I chose these images specifically to show the students, (Abi and Sam,) enjoying their studies which would give out a enthusiastic vibe, therfore making the reading more enjoyable for the sixthformers. Also I chose not to write the list in a structured, perfect way so that by laying them out in jumbled, bullet points it gives a shorter, younger and easier approach to reading, for quick updates in break times.

Contents Page

I made my contents page simple but bold, this effect draws in the readers attention which is necessary for the first page in my magazine. I used this image of Lucy and Lucie to create a brush tool which I then duplicated in white, light blue and dark blue on top of each other to give a dramatic and modern background. I kept the color scheme blue, carrying on from the front cover to show coherence throughout the magazine.

Final Front Cover

I named my magazine 'Voice' as it could be recognised by the audience (the students), the name is also rememberable and will then be the main discussion of the sixthform block, whilst everyone catches up with eachother. The 2 main stories of this week's magazine are the '10 best things about Sixthform' and 'Sixthform - making school fun? We ask the students what they think,' a selection of interviews with students by students to reveal the real truths. I used photoshop to put together the front cover and therefore tried to get the page looking professional, which would increase the appeal to our students.
Firstly, my completed magazine cover looked like this image (above). However, I felt that this cover would appeal more to girls than boys, mainly because of the colour scheme, so I then decided to change the pink to blue using photoshop.
I think this colour scheme works better, it would now appeal to both girls and boys, therefore completing that part of the brief.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Teen Magazines

Our brief was to design a front cover and double page spread to promote Chew Valley Sixth Form to year 11 and year 12 students. To start with I researched other modern teen magazines, such as Bliss, Mizz, Sugar, Seventeen and Cosmo Girl. I created a powerpoint of all the front covers which I could compare and look for similarities to incorporate in my own teen magazine cover;

From these images I determined that there is never more than two people in the front cover shot but mainly always just one. These people are all celebrities that the readers know and can relate too. Also, the teen magazines are less sophisticated than older reader's magazines (as shown in comparison by 'Cosmo Girl' and 'Cosmopolitan',) but are still enough grown-up to catch the attention of teenagers.

The Image with a caption

Here's another image I'll use on the front cover, but in the sideline, which shows a lot of enthusiasm for sixth form.

Front Cover Image

I used this image as the front cover for my media Sixth Form magazine, I liked how Lucy Williams and Lucie Minty filled the frame. I also liked how they were both looking into the camera which would work really well when put on the front cover.

Wednesday 11 August 2010

In the Media

Favourite film: Alice in Wonderland directed by Tim Burton - I got given the DVD recently for my birthday, however I also went to see it in 3D in the cinemas (an amazing example of media's attempt to stay fresh), I love this film because of it's quirky, fun attributes, and it's ability to put a smile on your face. I think it especially stands out to me because of it's unusual take on a much loved childhood film, the potential to think outside the box in an entertaining way.
Favourite magazine: 'Look' magazine, a fashion magazine which appeals to the youthful middle market audience, which is shown through the appearance of clothing and pricing, they also have an online website on which you can give opinions and buy items; http://www.look.co.uk/.
Favourite radio station: There are three radio stations that I like best; Radio 1 on the frequency 99.1fm - of which my favourite on air shows are Chris Moyles in the mornings (which I have as my alarm) and Fern and Reggies Chart show on Sunday evenings, I follow their latest recommendations at http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/. Secondly, I love to listen to Kiss101, who also have an online website; http://www.totalkiss.com/ which reveals the latest and upbeat music which I enjoy listening to during weekends, especially with my friends. Finally, I also listen to GWR Bristol, my local radio station, for local news and conversations I feel included in within a community, they're also very entertaining and play a very wide variety of music, listen online at - http://www.heart.co.uk/bristol/.
I rarelyy read newspapers, however I would be most likely to read the Daily Mail, I already read their supplement; Femail as it's feminine and aimed at the socio economic group of middle class.