Wednesday 29 September 2010

Teen Magazines

Our brief was to design a front cover and double page spread to promote Chew Valley Sixth Form to year 11 and year 12 students. To start with I researched other modern teen magazines, such as Bliss, Mizz, Sugar, Seventeen and Cosmo Girl. I created a powerpoint of all the front covers which I could compare and look for similarities to incorporate in my own teen magazine cover;

From these images I determined that there is never more than two people in the front cover shot but mainly always just one. These people are all celebrities that the readers know and can relate too. Also, the teen magazines are less sophisticated than older reader's magazines (as shown in comparison by 'Cosmo Girl' and 'Cosmopolitan',) but are still enough grown-up to catch the attention of teenagers.

The Image with a caption

Here's another image I'll use on the front cover, but in the sideline, which shows a lot of enthusiasm for sixth form.

Front Cover Image

I used this image as the front cover for my media Sixth Form magazine, I liked how Lucy Williams and Lucie Minty filled the frame. I also liked how they were both looking into the camera which would work really well when put on the front cover.